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ELC – Street Play Competition: Celebrating National Voters’ Day in Nagpur

May 26, 2024


Date: May 26, 2024
Event Category:


440 001


Worship Earth Foundation
ELC Event

State-Level Street Play Competition: Celebrating National Voters' Day in Nagpur

The State Level Street Play Competition was held on January 25, 2024, in Nagpur District, coinciding with National Voters’ Day. This exciting event, themed #फरक पडतो (It Makes a Difference), was jointly organized by the District Election Office Nagpur and Worship Earth Foundation. The competition featured the participation of talented students who used the powerful medium of street theatre to promote voter awareness and civic engagement.

The event was graced by distinguished guests, including Miss Alfiya Pathan, Asian Games Boxing Champion; Mr. B. V. Nemane, Additional CEO, Zilla Parishad Nagpur; Mr. Abhimanyu Bodhawade, Deputy Collector & ERO East Nagpur; Mrs. Madhuri Tikhe, Deputy Collector & ERO West Nagpur; Mrs. Rohini Patharabe, Tehsildar, Revenue Department, Nagpur; Mrs. Vaishali Patil, Tehsildar, Election Department, Nagpur; Mr. Sandeep Dhote, District Coordinator, Worship Earth Foundation, Nagpur; Miss Shivani Karnake, District Assistant, Worship Earth Foundation, Nagpur; and Mr. Prafull Bavane, District Assistant, Worship Earth Foundation, Nagpur.

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Our vision is to leverage the arts, particularly street theatre, to enhance voter awareness and encourage active civic participation. By organizing the State Level Street Play Competition on National Voters’ Day, we aimed to celebrate democracy and highlight the importance of every vote. We believe that engaging the community through creative performances can significantly impact voter education and inspire a sense of civic duty.

The mission of this event was to create a dynamic and engaging platform for students to express their views on the significance of voting and civic involvement. Through their compelling street plays, participants sought to educate and motivate the audience to participate actively in the democratic process. Our goal was to foster a culture of informed and responsible citizenship, demonstrating that every vote truly makes a difference.

Mission & Vision

Our vision is to harness the power of theatre and artistic expression to promote civic responsibility and environmental awareness. By organizing the state-level street play show, we aimed to provide a platform for students to creatively engage with critical social issues. We believe that such events can inspire audiences and participants alike, fostering a sense of collective responsibility towards building a better future.

The mission of this event was to fuel creativity with purpose, encouraging students to use their artistic talents to advocate for voter awareness and environmental conservation. Through their performances, we aimed to raise awareness about these important issues, emphasizing the role of individuals in driving social change. Our goal was to create a memorable and impactful event that not only entertained but also educated and inspired action among the community.

State-Level Street Play Show Nagpur Gallery

State-Level Street Play Show Nagpur Media

State-Level Street Play Show Nagpur Video